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The Delta Training Academy

DTA web

Tel: +267 75 838 902
Email: www.thedeltatrainingacademy.com

The Delta Training Academy is a leading institution dedicated to enhancing the hospitality industry in Botswana and the KAZA region. We strive to set high standards in hospitality service, environmental sustainability, and operational efficiency. By offering comprehensive training and development programs, we aim to improve service efficiency, maximize operational effectiveness, and reduce costs for our customers.

We have established affiliations with renowned companies in the hospitality, environmental, education, and software systems sectors throughout Africa. This enables us to provide a wide range of hospitality training and implementation options, making us a one-stop solution for all hospitality-related needs.

One notable aspect of the Delta Training Academy is our commitment to a paper-free operation. By embracing digital solutions, we not only increase efficiency but also contribute to environmental sustainability. Our forward-thinking approach aligns with their vision for a sustainable future.

If you are interested in learning more about the Delta Training Academy and our offerings, please contact us.